Restorative Core Exercises and Stretches

Crunches and leg lifts can be helpful in building strong abdominals, but many people often neglect the inner core. Here are some exercises you can do at home (as long as you have bands for the first one) or in the gym to strengthen you intrinsic core.

For the transverse abdominis - Palloff press

Step 1

This can be done with a band anchored at sternum height or a cable. Stand with your feet hip width apart, hold cable (or band) at chest height. Hips and shoulders squared up, core engaged.

Step 2

Press forward straight out in front of you, while breathing out, at a controlled tempo, pause and take a breath in.

Step 3

As you breathe out, raise arms overhead, staying centered, and breathe in again.

Step 4

As you breathe out, bring your arms back down (staying centered), breathe in, and then return to starting position. Skip step 3 if this is too difficult. Should be slow and controlled and core stays active. Repeat for 15 reps/side for 2-3 sets.

For the obliques and transverse abdominis - Leg Drops

Step 1

Lift legs, shins about parallel to ceiling. Scoop your hips so your back is flat to the floor.

Step 2

Lower knees towards the ground, but not all the way. Keep your core engaged. Return to start. Repeat for 10 reps/direction for 2-3 sets.

Diaphragm Breathing

Step 1

Lie down on your back with your knees bent.

Step 2

Scoop your hips so your low back is pressing into the ground. Breathe out fully, hold for a few seconds (3-5), then breathe in fully (slowly, 4 count in). Return to starting position and repeat 5 times for 3 sets.

For the Spine (Multifidus) - Palloff Good Mornings

Step 1

Stand straight up with dumbbells held towards the front.

Step 2

Belly button to spine, roll from the top of your spine/neck while lowering the dumbbells toward the ground in front of you and close to your body.

Step 3

Roll through your spine all the way down (stand on something elevated if this is not enough of a stretch at the bottom), legs stay straight. Then slowly roll up through your spine to return to starting position.

For pelvic floor specific exercises, check out the next article. For a personalized program to address your unique needs, send me an email on the contact page or reach out on any of the social media links below.


Importance of Core and Stability Training After Having Children


Pelvic Floor Exercises